More than 1,100 Southwestern Electric members are presently without power due to strong winds and ice brought by today’s winter storm. “The freezing rain that’s fallen all morning is turning to ice on our power lines,” said Joe Richardson, the co-op’s communications coordinator. “The wind is catching that ice, resulting in a lot of movement—or galloping—along the lines.” Richardson said the force generated by the movement is strong enough to damage infrastructure. “That’s what our linemen are seeing today. They’re in the field now, making repairs to damage from wind and ice.”
The issue is affecting Southwestern distribution lines and Ameren transmission lines which energize the cooperative’s substations. As of 10 a.m., an Ameren transmission line outage was affecting 700 members served by the cooperative’s Reno Substation. The outage covered an area from the Bond-Montgomery county line south to Highway 140, and from New Douglas East to Woburn Road.
A morning Ameren transmission line outage also interrupted power to members served by Southwestern’s Shafter and Vandalia Substations. Ameren restored power to the substations around 9 a.m.
Members began to report outages around 6 a.m., when the winter storm pressed into Southwestern Illinois. By 9 a.m., more than 4,900 members were without power.
Crews will continue to make repairs and patrol right of way throughout the day as wind and freezing rain bring trees and limbs into contact with power lines.
Members are reminded to avoid all downed and low-hanging power lines. The lines may be energized, or become energized without warning.