- Rate 1 - Standard Overhead Service
- Rate 2 - Standard Underground Service
- Rate 3 - Standard Service with Street Lighting
Single-phase service at available voltages. Available for all single-phase loads. Subject to established rules and regulations.
Service Availability Charge (Rate 1 or 2) $44 per month.
Service Availability Charge W/Street Lighting (Rate 3): $49 per month
Unbundled charges
- Energy - All kWh/month at 3.77 cents/kWh each
- Distribution - First 2000 kWh/month at 3.35 cents/kWh each
Over 2000 kWh/month at 1.85 cents/kWh each - Capacity & Transmission – All kWh/month at 3.3 cents/kWh each
- Rate 5 – Standard Electric Heat Service
- Rate 6 – Standard Electric Heat Service with Street Lighting
Available for all single-phase loads. Subject to established rules and regulations and determination of base load and space heat usage. Service is available to any member where more than 50% of the electric usage is for domestic purposes in a single-family residence or apartment or for general farm purposes. Space heating service is available to any member with permanently installed electric space heating equipment capable of providing more than 50% of the member’s space heating requirements.
Service Availability Charge (Rate 5) $44.00 per month.
Service Availability Charge W/Street Lighting (Rate 6) $49.00 per month
Unbundled charges
- Energy - All kWh/month at 3.77 cents/kWh each
- Distribution - First 2000 kWh/month at 3.35 cents/kWh each for base load kWh usage only
Over 2000 kWh/month at 1.85 cents/kWh each for base load kWh usage only
No Distribution Charges apply to Space Heat Usage
Base load is all non-space heating usage. Certain restrictions apply. - Capacity & Transmission – All kWh/month at 3.3 cents/kWh each
The effective date of the winter season will coincide with the member’s billing cycle.
- Cycle 1: October 1—April 30
- Cycle 2: October 8—May 7
- Cycle 3: October 15—May 14
- Cycle 4: October 22—May 21
- Cycle 5: October 1–April 30
Single-phase at available voltages. Available to members with grain, livestock, and dairy operations with single-phase loads. Subject to established rules and regulations.
Service Availability Charge (Rate 17): $35.00 per month.
Unbundled charges
- Energy - All kWh/month at 3.77 cents/kWh each
- Distribution - First 2000 kWh/month at 4.25 cents/kWh each
Next 3000 kWh/month at 2.5 cents/kWh each
Over 5000 kWh/month at 1 cent/kWh each - Capacity & Transmission – All kWh/month at 2.23 cents/kWh each
Available to members utilizing electricity either exclusively or partially for the purpose of grain drying. Accounts on this rate must also have two months during the calendar year where the usage is less than 400 kWhs per month.
Service Availability Charge (Rate 13): $35.00 per month
Unbundled charges – On Peak – June July, August usage
- Energy - All kWh/month at 3.77 cents/kWh each
- Distribution - First 2000 kWh/month at 1.2 cents/kWh each
Over 2000 kWh/month at 0.9 cents/kWh each - Capacity & Transmission – All kWh/month at 1.98 cents/kWh each
Unbundled charges – Off Peak – September through May usage
- Energy - All kWh/month at 3.77 cents/kWh each
- Distribution - All kWh/month at 0.9 cents/kWh each
- Capacity & Transmission – All kWh/month at 1.98 cents/kWh each
Minimum monthly charge
When the account’s service availability and kilowatt hour charges for a particular month are less than $1.35 per KVA of installed transformer capacity, a KVA minimum charge may be assessed for the difference.
- Rate 18 – Life-Line Rate Service
- Rate 19 – Life-Line Rate Service with Street Lighting
To qualify for the Life-Line Rate, members must be eligible for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Members must verify qualification for LIHEAP prior to being placed on the Life-Line Rate. The certification must be renewed by May 31 each year to maintain this rate.
Service Availability Charge (Rate 18) $22.00 per month.
Service Availability Charge W/Street Lighting (Rate 19) $27.00 per month
Unbundled charges
- Energy - All kWh/month at 3.77 cents/kWh each
- Distribution - First 2000 kWh/month at 3.35 cents/kWh each
Over 2000 kWh/month at 1.85 cents/kWh each - Capacity & Transmission – All kWh/month at 3.3 cents/kWh each
The above rates apply to single-phase accounts at available voltages.
With the exception of the Grain Drying Rate 13, the minimum monthly charge under the above rates shall be the facilities charge.
Each member is responsible for making prompt remittance of the amount specified on their monthly bill prior to the due date. Payments received before or on the due date are subject to the cooperative’s net rates as set forth in the published rate schedules. Late payments are subject to the cooperative’s gross rates which are slightly higher.
The Illinois Public Utility Tax Rate is 5% of gross receipts or .32 cents per kWh, whichever is less.
Additional terms and conditions may apply.
3-Phase Small Power Service
- Rate 308 – 3 Phase Small Power Rate Service
Three-phase at available voltages. Service under this schedule is limited to members whose load requirements are less than or equal to 300 kVa of transformer capacity or less than or equal to 150 kW demand. Members exceeding 150 kW demand during four consecutive demand months will be assigned to the appropriate rate.
There will be a charge for a standard three-phase meter installation consistent with the cooperative’s aid to construction policy. All three-phase metering apparatus will be furnished and installed by the cooperative.
Service Availability Charge (Rate 308): $100.00 per month
Unbundled charges
- Energy - All kWh/month at 3.77 cents/kWh each
- Distribution – First 5500 kWh/month at 7.4 cents/kWh each
Over 5500 kWh/month at 3.5 cents/kWh each - KW Dist Demand – All KW/month at $5.00/KW each
- KW Capacity-Trans Demand – All KW/month at $4.50/KW each
When the account’s service availability, kWh, and kW demand charges for a particular month are less than $1.35 per KVA of installed transformer capacity, a KVA minimum charge will be assessed for the difference.
Conditions of service
In those cases where it is necessary to extend or re-enforce distribution lines, service will be furnished only if the member gives satisfactory assurance supported by a written agreement as to the character, amount, and duration of business offered.
Power factor adjustment
The member agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. Demand charges will be adjusted to correct for average power factors lower than 90% and may be so adjusted for other members if and when the cooperative deems necessary. Such adjustments will be made by increasing the measured demand 1% for each 1% by which the average power factor is less than 90% lagging.
Terms of payment
Each member is responsible for making prompt remittance of the amount specified on their monthly bill prior to the due date. Payments received before, or on, the due date are subject to the cooperative’s net rates as set forth in the published rate schedules. Late payments are subject to the cooperative’s gross rates, which are slightly higher.
Illinois Public Utility Tax
The Illinois Public Utility Tax is 5% of gross receipts or .32 cents per kWh, whichever is less.
Need More Information?
The information provided above is provided as a brief overview of each rate and is not intended to be all inclusive. If you have questions or you’d like to know more about our rates, please contact Susan File, vice president of member services, Southwestern Electric Cooperative, 525 US Route 40, Greenville, IL 62246. You can also reach Susan by phone at (800) 637-8667 or by email at