Can can apply for service using the SmartHub app or by clicking here.
If you're returning an application you've received from our office, you can mail your completed form to:
Member Services Representative
c/o Southwestern Electric Cooperative, Inc.
525 US Route 40
Greenville, IL 62246
Points to keep in mind:
Building a structure that we'll be serving? Please call us at (800) 637-8667. We'll walk you through the application process for new construction.
We can't process your service application unless the form is filled out in its entirety and bears your signature.
If you’ve returned your completed membership application and haven't heard from us in two business days, please take a moment to follow up by phone or e-mail.
Questions? Call us at (800) 637-8667, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.