A message from Southwestern CEO Bobby Williams
We often refer to the members of Southwestern Electric Cooperative as family.
We look out for family.
More often than not, that means restoring power promptly after a storm or answering a question about your power bill. This month, putting family first meant developing a response plan to ensure the health and well-being of our workforce and our members.
By now you’re familiar with CDC hygiene recommendations to slow the spread of the coronavirus. They include regular and consistent hand washing, the use of sanitizer and disinfecting spray and wipes, and social distancing. In March, we reviewed those recommendations with our workforce, discussing them in the context of their day to day duties. We also encouraged any employee who doesn’t feel well to stay home until they are well, and can return to work.
We made certain we have current contact information for every employee, so we can contact them should an emergency arise, check on them if they’re home ill, and see that their needs are met.
We also reviewed our obligations to you. As a utility, we provide a vital service. Even in times of crisis—particularly in times of crisis—we never lose sight of that. We’re here to provide you with safe, reliable power. To ensure we fulfill that mission, we’ve adopted and tailored service continuity strategies shared by our industry partners, including national trade, security and regulatory associations.
Presently, our approach means taking measures to keep our workforce healthy so we can provide the service you expect. Should our workforce fall ill, we’ve developed strategies to work with a remotely deployed or reduced staff. In short, we have plans in place to ensure your home or business remains a safe, comfortable, convenient place to live and work.
With help from our national trade associations and state and local health agencies, we’re monitoring coronavirus developments, both regional and national, so we’ll be alerted to early signs of a public health emergency in our area. We don’t anticipate closing our offices to members, but we’ve acknowledged the possibility. Should we need to shut our doors for a while, we’ll let you know through posts on our website at sweci.com/news-information.
We’re a cooperative. We’re family. In this situation as in any other, we’ll look out for each other.
That’s what families do.