10 a.m.
Southwestern Electric crews worked into the early morning hours to repair damage from the winter storm that swept across the co-op’s service territory yesterday. Their work continues today, as strong winds produce galloping lines, which are shearing bolts and snapping crossarms from utility poles.
Crews have been in the field since early this morning, working to repair damage across Southwestern’s service area. As of 10 a.m., about 400 Southwestern Electric members were without power, with outages scattered across four counties. Crews are currently repairing damage to lines along Route 4 in Madison County, in Bond County near Keyesport, and south of Altamont, in Effingham County.
Members who see downed or sagging power lines should stay clear of the area and contact Southwestern Electric Cooperative at (800) 637-8667. In addition, people clearing debris should look for sagging or fallen wires before they begin working.