6 p.m.
Southwestern Electric crews are working throughout Bond County this evening to repair damage caused by the day’s wind and ice. Linemen from Madison and Fayette counties joined Bond County crews this afternoon to expedite repairs in the co-op’s central service district. The cooperative has also called in contract crews to assist with repairs.
As of 5:30 p.m., about 750 members in Bond and Clinton counties were without power. Outages were affecting members south of New Douglas to Old Ripley, and from Reno east to Woburn Road, including the area from the Bond-Montgomery county line to Governor Bond Lake. Many members between Dudleyville and Keyesport were also without power.
Dylan Casey, engineering supervisor, said broken crossarms, sheared bolts and damaged fuses caused by galloping lines were responsible for most of the outages. Lines gallop, or move violently, when wind catches ice frozen to a line.
The cooperative’s operations and engineering teams have also reported downed lines and broken poles. Members who see downed or sagging power lines should stay clear of the area and contact Southwestern Electric Cooperative at (800) 637-8667. In addition, people clearing debris should look for sagging or fallen wires before they begin working.