We’ve temporarily closed our office lobbies to protect the health and well-being of our members and employees. During this time, we encourage you to manage your account, report outages and make payments using our online payment portal, by using the SWEC IL app, or by calling us at (800) 637-8667.
We’re taking measures to keep our workforce healthy so we can provide the service you expect. Our precautions include reviewing and promoting CDC hygiene and habit recommendations with our employees, limiting social contact by placing a moratorium on business travel and office visitors, and reducing the potential for infection by temporarily closing our office lobbies.
Should our workforce fall ill, we’ve developed strategies to work with a remotely deployed or reduced staff. We have plans in place to ensure we provide safe, reliable service to your home or business.
We’ll keep you informed of the latest developments through posts on our website at sweci.com/news-information.
As a community, we can curb the spread of the coronavirus and work toward a swift recovery for Southwestern Illinois.
Thank you for helping us do our part.