Tuesday | August 4, 2020
Annual Meeting 2020: Venue Change and Early Voting Options
Amidst continuing concerns regarding COVID-19, this year’s annual meeting is designed to encourage social distancing and allow members to participate ...
Monday | August 3, 2020
Voting Schedule & Registration Information
Members may cast their votes for board candidates in the 2020 election at the times and locations listed here.
Monday | August 3, 2020
Disconnections and late fees resumed July 28
Southwestern Electric resumed disconnections and late fees on July 28 for traditional and Pay As You Go accounts.
Friday | July 31, 2020
Southwestern Crews Addressing Friday Afternoon Outage
About 350 members in Madison and St. Clair counties lost power at 3:15 p.m. today. Line crews have been dispatched to isolate the source of the outage...