Thursday | December 22, 2022
Your Outage Safety Plan
Most power outages are measured in minutes or hours. When an ice storm breaks poles and brings down powerlines system-wide, an outage can last for day...
Thursday | December 22, 2022
Report Outages by calling (800) 637-8667 or via the SWEC IL app
The National Weather Service is forecasting winds gusting to 45 mph and subzero temperatures. These conditions create a high potential for outages. Pl...
Saturday | November 5, 2022
High Winds Present Downed Wire Danger
Southwestern Electric operations and engineering personnel are addressing outages on what's proven to be a busy Saturday for Illinois utility crews.
Friday | October 7, 2022
Online Payment Portal Has New Address
Southwestern Electric Cooperative's online payment portal has a new address. You'll find it at: